Online Courses For Businesses

Why businesses can benefit from hiring a person with a disability?
Hiring persons with disabilities can be beneficial for businesses in many ways. According to a Forbes article, people with disabilities often exemplify the qualities employers seek, including adaptability and resourcefulness. Disability is diversity, and therefore a key component of workplace diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) 1.
Here are some advantages of hiring persons with disabilities:
Improve your company’s bottom line: People with disabilities have been solving problems their whole lives and tend to bring a strong sense of loyalty to the workplace. Many large corporations, such as CVS and Microsoft, have told their stories about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities to prove it has improved their overall bottom line 2.
Increased productivity: Research conducted by the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) reveals that most workplace accommodations cost nothing. The typical one-time expenditure is $500 for those that incur a cost. According to the employers JAN surveyed, accommodations generally resulted in benefits to the company, such as reduced insurance and training costs and increased productivity and morale. 1
Enhanced corporate image: Hiring persons with disabilities can enhance a company’s image by demonstrating its commitment to diversity and inclusion 3.
Tax incentives: Companies that hire persons with disabilities can enjoy tax incentives under the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). For example, an additional deduction of 25 percent from the private entity’s gross income of the total amount paid as wages and salaries to persons with disabilities. 4
Diversity: Hiring persons with disabilities can help create a diverse workforce that reflects society’s diversity. 5
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Hiring people with disabilities can bring many benefits to businesses including increased productivity, lower absenteeism, increased customer loyalty, and reduced insurance and training costs. It also promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the workplace.
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